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Lugano, Switzerland, May 17, 2012 ---- SMS-Tsunami-Warning.com was launched on May 5th and is already generating great interest in the internet world with 5,300+ facebook likes collected in a few weeks.

This is a 'real time' Early Warning System for Earthquakes and Tsunamis. This system sends SMS Text alerts directly to the cell phones of registered members moments after a quake strikes saving precious time and potentially saving thousands of lives.

This website receives world seismic activity information from international scientific centers. SMS-Tsunami-Warning.com elaborates the raw data with a Risk Assessment Algorithm (RAA) and it calculates a risk score for each registered member. If the risk score is high enough, this system sends a SMS warning to that member. All calculations are done in a matter of a few seconds.

Over 40 percent of the world's population live in proximity to the world's oceans making this a very real and present danger. People traveling to these coastal areas for business or pleasure increase these numbers.

World attention was drawn to the devastating effects of the recent tsunami events of 2004 and the Japan quake of 2011. The Sumatran quake in April 11th 2012 (magnitude 8.6) was potentially as destructive as the 2004 quake but thankfully generated a small sized tsunami only.

The founders of SMS Tsunami Warning were shocked by the effects of the Japanese tsunami of 2011 and decided there must be a more effective way to notify people in time to escape threatened areas.

Although nobody cannot prevent nature from following its course nor predict earthquakes, SMS-Tsunami-Warning.com can do a lot in terms of communication: "early warnings" is the answer. Actually governments and international institutions have done a lot in this field in the last 20 years and technology played a strategic role in detecting global seismic activity in a very accurate and timely manner. But, seemingly there’s still a problem. If governments are aware that a tsunami is on its way, why do so many people die? It looks like people just don’t know when a tsunami wave is going to get them. SMS-Tsunami-Warning.com solution is a 1-to-1 alert system in order to make sure the message gets to every single individual in need; TV and Radio are just not enough.

The solution? Mobile phones

The majority of the world’s population has access to mobile phones. Some mobile phones may not have internet access but, for sure, all of them are likely to have GSM network coverage. Sending messages to mobile phones is the ideal solution needed to setup a 1-to-1 communication model that may save thousands of lives on a global scale in the future.

With this idea in mind, the founders of SMS Tsunami Warning want to provide people with a globally internet-based low cost platform that delivers real time warnings for Earthquakes and Tsunamis. This website empowers populations to increase their chance of survival from these natural disasters.

Low cost, but how low?

Being entirely web based, SMS-Tsunami-Warning.com found a way to cut telecommunication and production costs down. Knowing that this is essential for most people in the world (developing countries included) to be able to afford this life saving service, this concept is to transfer these benefits to members offering this service at the lowest price possible.

What makes this service even more appealing is the revenue sharing strategy so as to help affected communities get back on their feet. This is done by donating 20 percent of the Premium subscription price to a choice of world renowned charities including Red Cross.

Please visit the website at: http://www.sms-tsunami-warning.com or connect on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SMS.Tsunami.Warning
and Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/SMS_Tsunami

You are more than welcome to contact the PR office at: pr@sms-tsunami-warning.com.


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