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Home Archivio News Forza ! Michael Prickett "Un amico in difficoltà!"
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Forza ! Michael Prickett "Un amico in difficoltà!"

Mike è uno dei più bravi cineoperatori e produttori di riprese dall'acqua, un vero waterman, amico di vecchia data.

Durante alcune riprese in acqua a Tahiti, lui ed un suo collaboratore si sono trovati in difficoltà, Mike per salvare l'amico ha avuto seri problemi di decompressione e adesso sta lottando per non rimanere paralizzato.

Il suo fisico forte sta reagendo, ma sta passando davvero dei brutti momenti.

La sua storia sta facendo il giro del mondo, in quanto si è comportato da vero eroe, pagandone personalmente le conseguenze.

Forza Mike noi siamo tutti con te.



Il video messaggio di Mike

Many, many mahalos from Prickett. Some fundraising to offset medical expenses have begun.  There will be a paypal account/website shortly and many people are lending their love in different ways. Check out this Tee Shirt link

Un Aiuto per Mike !!!

Mike Prickett, an internationally acclaimed Hawaiian underwater cinematographer has been partially paralyzed following a diving accident that occurred during a commercial filming job in Tahiti. The accident occurred 14 March 2012 and he is still undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Papeete.
Mike sustained a severe case of decompression sickness while saving the life of another diver on the job. He was paralyzed from the chest down but has regained some sensation in his legs in recent days. Doctors are hopeful for his recovery.   
Mike's message is "I want to thank my family and friends for their prayers. I really need your prayers right now."
A benefit for his medical and related expenses are currently being discussed and more details will be announced shortly.  For now, please help with your thoughts and prayers and check back for his progress.
For those of you that know Mike, he is defined by the love for his family, friends, the ocean and his craft.  Thank you for your support and we will see Prickett Swim Again.


Alcuni video di Mike



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